The Shareholders’ Newsletter #73 Spring 2024

Key figures

In an uncertain environment, TotalEnergies is delivering robust results in line with its objectives.

Our 2023 Results

(All comparisons are with 2022)

  • Net income (IFRS) $21.4 billion (up 4%)
  • CFFO*$35.9 billion
  • ROACE**19%
  • Payout 46%
  • Hydrocarbon production 2.483 million of barrels of oil equivalent per day (up 2%, excluding Novatek)
  • Net production of electricity 33.4 TWh including 19 TWh from renewable sources (up 82%)
  • Gross installed renewable power generation capacity 22 GW (up 6 GW in 2023)

Key Indicators

(All comparisons are with 2022.)

  • Brent price $82.60/barrel (down 18%)
  • Average LNG selling price $10/MBtu (down 32%)
  • Variable cost margin Refining Europe $69.30/ton (down 26%)
  • Euro/Dollar exchange rate 1.08