The Shareholders' Newsletter #74 Summer 2024

Key figures for 1st quarter 2024

Here you’ll find the main results from first-quarter 2024, published on April 26, as well as the main indicators for the same period.

Our Results

(Variations are with first-quarter 2023.)

  • IFRS net income
    $5.7 billion (up 3%)
  • CFFO*$8.2 billion
  • ROACE** 16.5%
  • Hydrocarbon production2,461 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (down 2%)
  • Net power production 9.6 TWh (up 14%), including 6 TWh from renewable sources (up 56%)
  • Gross installed renewable power generation capacity 23.5 GW (up 31%)


  • Brent $83.20/barrel (up 3%)
  • Average LNG sales price $9.58/MBtu (down 28%)
  • European Refining Margin Marker (ERM)$71.70/ton (down 21%)
  • Euro/Dollar exchange rate 1.09